Supremacy 2025 FAQ
Supremacy takes place on the 27th of September 2025 from 01:00 PM until 11:00 PM at the Brabanthallen, The Netherlands. Read all information about the event at this page.
Diezekade 1
5222 AK ‘s-Hertogenbosch
Do you have any questions or inquiries about Art of Dance or Supremacy? Please don’t hesitate to contact us, we’re happy to help you!
Contact details
Art of Dance
Transistorstraat 101
1322 CL Almere
The Netherlands
[email protected]
Supremacy Facebookpage
Whatsapp (+31682590703)
Press requests can be sent to [email protected], from here your request will be processed +- 2-3 weeks before the event.
The minimum age for Supremacy is 18 years. This means you need to be 18 years of older at the day of the event. We won’t make any exceptions on this. Make sure you bring a valid ID card. No ID means no entrance!
It is not allowed to take medication without a doctor’s statement. If you do have a valid doctor’s statement, you can bring your medication.
In addition, it is possible to pump and store this during the event at the First Aid.
During Supremacy we celebrate safe. If you have questions about the use of alcohol or other drugs you are more than welcome at the Celebrate Safe stand (supported by Unity). Unity is a volunteer project in the Dutch party scene. Their volunteers will be more than happy to provide you with objective and open minded advice about alcohol and other drugs. This will be anonymous and in a safe environment.
During Supremacy there will be enough choices between food and drinks. Do you have a special diet? Don’t worry, we also have vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options. If you have any questions, please contact us via [email protected].
At Supremacy there is a wheelchair accessible entrance and there are disabled toilets. The VIP deck is not accessible for wheelchair visitors. The VIP lounge is accessible, but the tribune is not.
We operate a deposit system for all cups, cans, and bottles distributed at the bar during our events. To ensure that everything we distribute is recycled, we aim to collect as much as possible. This way, we can keep the event clean together and prevent any waste from ending up on the ground.
When you purchase your first drink, you will pay a €0.50 deposit for your cup. Once you’ve finished your drink, return the cup to the bar to receive a new one. We will ensure that the old cup is recycled in a high-quality manner.
Want to free up your hands? You can exchange your cup at the bar for a token. If you don’t return a cup or token to the bar when ordering a drink, a fee of €0.50 will be charged.
At the end of the event, we ask all visitors to return their cups to the bar. By collecting the cups at one of the bars, we ensure a clean waste stream, allowing the materials in your cup to be fully recycled. Additionally, this helps keep the stadium clean.
We operate a deposit system for all cups, cans, and bottles distributed at the bar during our events. To ensure that everything we distribute is recycled, we aim to collect as much as possible. This way, we can keep the event clean together and prevent any waste from ending up on the ground.
When you purchase your first drink, you will pay a €0.50 deposit for your cup. Once you’ve finished your drink, return the cup to the bar to receive a new one. We will ensure that the old cup is recycled in a high-quality manner.
Want to free up your hands? You can exchange your cup at the bar for a token. If you don’t return a cup or token to the bar when ordering a drink, a fee of €0.50 will be charged.
At the end of the event, we ask all visitors to return their cups to the bar. By collecting the cups at one of the bars, we ensure a clean waste stream, allowing the materials in your cup to be fully recycled. Additionally, this helps keep the stadium clean.
Due to the smoking ban in public areas, it is prohibited to smoke outside of the designated smoking areas at Supremacy. Due to the high fines imposed by the NVWA for smoking outside the designated smoking areas and because of the health risks, we have decided not to sell cigarettes at Supremacy so you cannot buy cigarettes during the event.
It is allowed to bring an e-smoker or vape. Make sure it is filled. It is not allowed to bring open refills, but sealed ones. Smoking is only permitted in designated smoking areas. We would really appreciate your understanding and cooperation on this matter. If you decide to smoke outside the designated smoking areas, you run the risk of being removed from the event. Thanks in advance!
The drugs policy at Supremacy is zero-tolerance. This means that all types of soft- and hard drugs are not allowed. The police will check more strictly for prohibited narcotics at dance events throughout the Netherlands. We as an organization are obliged to hand over anyone caught with these prohibited substances to the police.
You can purchase food and drinks using coins.
There will be e-lockers available at Supremacy. This means you’ll receive a PIN code, so you won’t need a key. Take good care of your PIN code and make sure nobody sees it when you enter it on your locker.
We recommend to purchase your e-locker in our pre-sale via
All photo camera’s are allowed. Take yours and SPAM the internet! Don’t forget to use the hashtag #Supremacy2024. Selfie sticks are allowed with a maximum lenght of 1 m.
Professional video cameras are not allowed, video cameras may not be larger than 20×20 cm.
It may sometimes occur that jewelry or other valuable personal belongings get stolen during events. Together with our security staff we do everything in our power to prevent this from happening. We advise you to leave your valuable jewelry and other items with (personal) value at home to avoid losing it.
What you can’t bring:
- Liquids
- Sharp/dangerous items
- Selfiesticks longer than 1 m.
- Umbrella’s
- Food/drinks
- Pre-workout
What you can bring:
- Deodorant roller: you are allowed to bring a deodorant roller, a spray is not permitted.
- Zonnebrandcrème: You can bring sunscreen if it isn’t a spray and it’s unopened/sealed.
- Water bag: You can bring it as long as it is empty.
There will be lots of merchandise available at Supremacy. Here you’ll find the brand new Supremacy merchandise. Don’t want to wait until the festival? You can also buy your merchandise online here.
How to get there
Looking for an easy and comfortable way to travel to Supremacy? Our official bus partners organize bus tours throughout The Netherlands and Europe, including most Dutch airports. Check this list to find an organized bus tour in your city/country. It’s also possible to organize your own bus tour via our official partners.
Organizing your own bus trip to the event? Please register your touring car via this form.
Get your parking tickets for your touring cars here. You also need a ticket for dropping off.
There will be enough parking space next to the event site. Parking tickets will be available at the parking entrance and online.
Will you be dropped off and/or picked up? Lucky you! Your driver can drop you off and pick you up at the designated ‘Kiss & Ride’ location. This is clearly signposted and is easily accessible for visitors as well as drivers.
If you’re traveling to Supremacy by taxi, make sure the driver follows the ‘Taxi’ signs to the taxi stand. When you leave the event, there are taxis at the special rank. You can find the taxi stand by following the signs.
You can travel to Station ‘s Hertogenbosch. There will be no shuttle buses, as you can walk to the Brabenthallen.
Are you living close by and will you hop on your bike or scooter? Park your bike or scooter at the designated bicycle storage. You can find the bicycle storage by following the signs.
Ticket info
Will be announced soon.
Regular ticket
€ … incl. fee
Supreme VIP ticket
€ … incl. fee
- Separate entrance
- VIP deck access
- VIP lounge access
- Free locker
- VIP wristband
- VIP toilets
Yes, every ticket has to be personalized. Personalization of the tickets is immediately possible till the 27th of September.
The main buyer will receive all tickets once they have been personalized.
Check the step-by-step guide here!